Pesticide Stakeholders Letter of Support for Janie Simms Hipp

The Honorable Debbie Stabenow, Chairwoman 
The Honorable John Boozman, Ranking Member 
U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 
328A Russell Senate Office Building 
Washington, D.C. 20510 

Dear Chairwoman Stabenow and Ranking Member Boozman: 

The undersigned food and agriculture trade associations respectfully urge confirmation of Janie Simms Hipp to serve as General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 

Our associations represent the vast majority of the food and agriculture sector that is responsible for roughly one-fifth of the country's economic activity, directly supporting over 23 million jobs – constituting nearly 15 percent of total U.S. employment. 

Ms. Hipp is eminently qualified and has a fundamental understanding of the legal complexities surrounding agricultural law. We especially value Ms. Hipp's distinguished career that spans over thirty-five years, which includes teaching agricultural law and food policy, and advocating on behalf of farmers and ranchers. We submit that this background and understanding are essential to the success of the next General Counsel in ensuring the fair and equitable implementation of USDA programs. We believe that Ms. Hipp has the experience and expertise necessary to carry out the Office of the General Counsel's mission and duties. 

Please feel free to call upon any of the undersigned associations to expand upon our rationale for supporting the nomination of Janie Hipp. 

Read the letter sent by 18 organizations.


Letters to Congressional Leadership and President Biden Urging Investment in Agricultural Research


Pesticide Stakeholders Letter of Support for Dr. Michal Freedhoff